5 months to go until my big move! It might as well be 100 years, as time seems to be going by slowly. My friend told me today that I have already mentally left and that I have "short timer's syndrome." There might be some truth to this statement.
Here's some advice I have to anyone leaving for a third world country for an extended period of time. I recommend getting everything in order
at least 6 months prior to leaving. I need to get some serious shots before I leave. Here's the list of shots that have been recommended to me. Hep A, Hep B, rabies, polio, Typhoid, and maybe Malaria. It's crazy! I might opt out of the rabies shots as it seems like rabies only buys time (an extra 24 hours) to seek medical attention. I guess there has been a recent Polio outbreak in the stan countries, so I guess I will get that done too. My insurance doesn't start until the first of August, and I am probably leaving around August 8, so that doesn't leave me a lot of time to get this all done.
Trying to deal with the insurance company is ridiculous. I don't think they deal with people in my situation to often. I told them that I need to get a year's worth of medication to take with me, and I was told that most of it would be out of pocket. When I tried to call about the vaccinations, I was told that I couldn't talk to anyone until 3 months before my trip and when I tried to explain that I need a second shot that would require at least 6 months, I was still denied because of protocol. Luckily, I have a great friend and was able to get someone to talk to me. Now, everything has been worked out, I just wont be able to get my second round of shots before I leave.