Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

Today is Election day in the United States.  When I wake up tomorrow morning, I will get to hear the results. The US embassy is having a party tomorrow when the race results are announced.  It's being held at the Hyatt and there should be about 400 people in attendance.  I wish I could be there, but I have to work!
Since I can't go to the party, I am holding a party in class. I have told the students to wear red, white, and blue and we will create a few patriotic crafts. I was at the Hyatt today and saw the embassy folk setting up for the party.  I was able to take a few extra supplies for my classroom party.  Now I have balloons and streamers! Who needs the Hyatt?!
I almost forgot today was election day.  Living in Tajikistan I missed the daily phone calls and the persistent tv campaign ads. Don't get me wrong,  people do care who is elected but since they don't get a vote, they don't get the hassles.  Out of the few people I have talked to here in Dushanbe, most people I know want Obama to win.  It seems that Obama is quite popular among the state department employees and foreigners.
So, while everyone is gripping their seats until the end of the day to find out who has been elected, I get to go to sleep and wake up to find out the results!

Here is a picture from the Hyatt I took: